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Public Storage company in Estonia

Posted by: Mikk Zukas

I seek information about a public storage company in Estonia. The purpose for this is that I need to rent a storage area that is sufficient for me to store some of my personal property. In addition, I will include some of my work related items as well. Is there a difference between storage for personal and storage for work? I would like you to send me information about how you will do business with me. I would like to know how much you will charge and how you will charge me. What I mean by this is do you charge by the month or by the year? Are your storage areas safe from thieves? Have you had any problems with hooligans causing damages? If I store my property in your storage area, are they protected from fire or flooding? I apologize for so many questions. I just want to have as much information as possible before I bother you to set up an appointment to visit your storage area. Please also include the size of your storage area as well. Thank you for providing me with this information.