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Storage company in Australia


My company is in the process of remodeling our office space. Unfortunately, this means we must move most of our office furniture, equipment, and supplies into a storage facility. Therefore, we seek counsel on a reputable storage company in Australia. To be more specific, we are located in Mildura which is just on the outskirts of Adelaide. From all estimates, we will require storage facilities to accommodate 12 computer desks, all of our 23 computers, 6 filing cabinets, and about 43 boxes that contain all of our supplies. We further estimate we will need this storage for approximately 6 weeks while the renovations are being completed on our current office space. You've no idea how far back this is putting us, but the sooner we can add these items into a storage facility the sooner we can have the work completed. Also, when you do email me about the storage company in Australia, please include as much information about the facility as possible as well as an estimate of your storage fees. Thank you for reading my request for information.