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Commercial Storage company in Mexico

Posted by: Gabriel Menendez

Hello. My employer has asked me to locate a commercial storage company in Mexico who has sufficient capacity of storage for us to rent or lease for some time. We are over capacity in our warehouse and we do not expect this situation to diminish for the next six months. Do you rent or lease storage space for that length of time? If so, do you offer a discounted rate? Do you offer a discount if we will pay in cash and in advance for this storage space? We figure that we will require a minimum of 25 ft in each dimension. This will provide enough space for us to move some inventory around so we may access the items as we require them. Are your storage areas safe? Are they protected from the wind, fire, and from water damages? Do you have insurance that will pay for any damages that may occur while our inventory is stored at your location? Thank you for sending me your company's information kit and for responding to my questions.