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Public Storage company in Chile

Posted by: Marques Aguilera

If you have it available, will you please send me information about a public storage company in Chile? This will be for my personal use, so I would like to know if you lease your storage units to individuals or if you only lease to a business. For the time being, I have only a few items to store. However, I may have more to add to my storage unit after a few weeks. Do you have different storage units available? How can I calculate how much storage space I will need? I would also like to know if you have an on-site manager. Is your storage facility secure? What are the hours of the day and / or night that I am allowed to access your storage area? Is there a lock on the front gate? What happens if I lose my key? I will look forward to reviewing your company's information. As you can see, I have quite a large number of questions and I will save any more of them for after I read what you send to me.