Dear sirs, We're pleasure to introduce our company NSC SHIPPING( NDINGA SHIPPING CO) as broker in the marine transportation of wood and cocoa -coffee. We're located in Douala - Cameroun since 2009. We provides the cocoa-coffee and wood containers transport services from ports of Douala,Libreville,Lagos,Pointe-Noire,Takoradi to worldwide . Now we have enquiries for regulars transports of logs and sawntimber by 40'FCL from Douala to: -Gemlik( Turkish) -Calcutta( India) -Shanghai( China) -Inchon( Korea) And: Takorady to naples( 20'FCL it coffee beans) Please send us your best quotations. Do not hesitate to send us your quotations for your regulars destinations. Our business language are French or English. Best regards. Mr Justin Serge NDINGA ESSIMI/ CEO NSC SHIPPING Tel: 00237 96 98 48 73 78 73 68 79 Fax: 00237 33 42 86 35 Email: ndingafils@yahoo.fr Website: www.nsc.com( under construction)