URGENT !!!! Dear Sir, We are to supply the following goods to Addis Ababa Airport , Ethiopia. Kindly let us know by return mail. Item: Click Rigger Boot Lined Sup With Scuff Cap (i) Air Freight from Birmingham International Airport or Manchester International Airport to Addis Ababa International Airport. Please let us know the Air Freight and other charges for the following details : Box Dimension = 61.5 x 67 x 36.5cm Total No. of Boxes: 5 (i) Total CBM : 0.752 M3 (ii) Volume Weight: 125.35 kg (iii) Actual Weight : 115 kg With best regards, A.S.Tanwar Monega Enterprises 209 Sector 40-A, Chandigarh, India Ph : ++91-172-4624209/ 2693628 Mobile : +91 9417483329 Fax : ++91-172-2621641 / 2691788 E-mail : monegamed@gmail.com or monegamed@rediffmail.com