My company recently acquired an order from a new customer who is locate near Perth Australia. We are happy to have this new customer and want to have our products delivered to them in a timely manner and without any damages. We have posted our questions here in hopes of locating a company who has experience in furniture container shipping to Australia. If all goes according to plan, this will be a weekly shipment that will have its point of origin near Los Angeles, California. Our furniture is made of various types of hardwoods which must be protected from the elements at all times. Therefore, we request information on how to properly prepare our orders for shipment via ocean routes. Of course, we would also appreciate information if your company can also provide any necessary shipping materials in order for us to meet that goal. Please email us as soon as is possible with how your company can respond to our questions, as well as your current rate structure and any other fees or expenses we may incur in shipping via a container. Thank you for your replies.