Would your company be experienced in international container shipping to New Zealand? Would that experience include shipping from Brazil? If so, then I want to hear from you as soon as is possible, as my company is preparing to begin shipping to a new customer who is located in Auckland, New Zealand. My company ships bananas worldwide, and we will require the container to be temperature controlled. Due to the sensitivity of the shipment, does your company provide assurances that you will take every available step to prevent spoilage or damage to our products during transit? If there is damage or spoilage during transit, do you have insurance to cover this? When you reply to my email address, please also include your company's current pricing, you time to delivery schedules, and the direct contact information to an account manager or representative as we will want to discuss our shipping needs directly. This posting is but a request so we can locate different companies who can accommodate our shipping needs. Thank you for replying to our inquiry and I am looking forward to further contact with you.