Express Box shipping to Seychelles
Do any companies who read this forum handle express box shipping to Seychelles? If so, then please send me your pricing, drop off locations, delivery times, and any other information you usually send to these types of requests. I have a box of apples that I must send to the local hotel, so this needs to be shipped right away. I am shipping from Greece. Are there any special requirements that I must follow for shipping apples by express shipping? Can your company deliver these apples before they begin to spoil? Spoilage typically begins within about two weeks from the time they are harvested, so please deliver them promptly. This shipment must also be insured, so if you have extra insurance please send that information to me too. How much does your company charge for this delivery? The box weighs about 15 pounds and is approximately 3 ft by 3 ft by 2 ft in dimensions. Please email your information directly to me, and I will appreciate your quick reply. Thanks.