If any of you have traveled by air over these past few years, you realize what a costly adventure that can be. It can be even more costly if you have to take extra baggage with you as is so often the case when you travel on business. It is especially problematic if part of your job is to make presentations and provide samples to current and prospective customers. In two weeks time, I must depart my home location at New York, New York, in the United States, and I am here to request information about international excess baggage to Belarus from companies who offer this service. Please email your company's baggage shipping information. Please include how you base your charges, whether it is by the piece or by the weight. Please also include when you will deliver my baggage to Belarus and if you can guarantee my baggage will be there when I arrive. Does your company deliver to the hotels? Or shall I collect my baggage at the airport? Thank you for sending this information as soon as possible.