Where might I obtain information about international container shipping to Colombia? My company is preparing a shipment at our facility here in Palermo, Italy, and we need to make shipping arrangements as soon as possible as the product will be ready for shipping by the end of this week. If you will be so kind as to provide us with access to this information, it will greatly assist us in making a decision as to which shipping company to retain their services. By our estimates, we need a 45 ft container for this shipment. We do not require refrigeration. The gross weight of this shipment will be slightly less than 20 metric tonnes. With any information you send, please include your current shipping rate as it will apply to our shipment. Please also include when you will be available for a pickup, as well as your estimated time you will take to deliver this shipment to its destination. Also, please include any other terms as they apply including your payment terms. Thank you for responding to our inquiry.