Next month I am moving from my present home in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and to my new home in Lima, Peru. The distance of this move is too great for me to complete it on my own, so I am posting here to ask for information about household international movers to Peru. So if your company offers this moving service, please contact me as soon as possible as I want to have these moving plans aligned long before it is time for the moving day to begin. To the point, I need many boxes so that I can pack my possessions. I work from my home, which means that I not only have my household furnishings and belongings, I also have a home office, supplies, and inventory to move as well. Are there additional charges for these boxes, or do you include them in your standard moving fees? When will you be able to begin this move? And also, when will you estimate you will have me moved into my new home? Thank you for responding to my request.