My company is preparing an order that will be ready to ship next week. We will need a 45 ft ocean container that will be ready for international container shipping to Luxembourg. When will your company deliver this empty container for us to load? Will you require an advanced notification before you can schedule a pickup appointment? Since this shipment will be destined for a country that is a member of the European Union (EU), are there any special regulations that must be followed? Are there any customs duties or fees that must be paid at the time of shipping? Is there anyone at your company that we may contact if we have additional questions after we have reviewed your information package? Will this be the same contact for when we need to schedule a pickup, or must communicate with on shipments that are in transit or have been delivered? We will also need to know what payment options you have available, as well as how we can submit our payments. Thanks for contacting us about our shipment as soon as possible.