Express International shipping to Belize
Are there any companies who visit this board who can send me information about express international shipping to Belize? If so, please email me with information about your shipping services. I have a package that I need to ship to a friend who lives at Belize. If your company can guarantee this package can arrive within one week to ten days, that will be most helpful. I have spoken with a couple of carriers locally, and they have told me this delivery cannot be completed within the needed time-frame. I think there is at least one company here who can accept this package at their drop off location and can deliver this package on time and undamaged. Yes, I have confidence in your services. With your email, please let me know how much this will cost for me to ship this by express shipping. To my knowledge, there is nothing in this package that will break. But I still ask that you be careful with it nonetheless. Thanks for the info you will send to my email address.