My company is preparing a shipment at our factory in Portland, Maine, in the United States. We anticipate using international container shipping to Belize to complete the delivery to our customer. Can your company provide efficient and economical transportation between these two points? Can you also be available for a pickup by the middle of next week? If possible, can you drop an empty 45 ft container at our facility a couple of days before the schedule pickup time? This will make the loading more efficient. The gross weight of this shipment is 38,230 pounds. If you do pickup this shipment next week, when will you deliver it to Belize? Does your company offer any type of tracking information? Will this be accessible by any device that is connected to the Internet, or do you use some other method? Please email us your standard shipping information that includes your rates, claims policy, and any other shipping terms that we must be aware before we do business with your company. Thank you for your prompt response to our inquiry.