Storage Message Board
- Shanghai to Dublin
Hello , PLease quote me an approximate price for a 20 ft container full with 125 units of wooden fencing from shanghai,china to dublin ireland please . ...
- Missionary supplies
Hello At your earliest convenience could you please inform me of the cost to transport a 40' shipping conatiner from Indiana, USA to Ilula, Tanzania? Thank you for your time and assistance. John W ...
- Freight cost
I have around 300 MT prawns. I would like to export from chennai to kuwait. I want to freight charge for 20ft. yesshrimps@gmail.com ...
- Bed Sheets set
Please quote the best rates of 20ft. and 40ft. container from Shanghai to ICD New Delhi TKD. K.K.Parekh ...
- RE: Shipping Cost to Melbourne AU
Hi, What is the cost of shipping in a 20ft. container door-to-door from Bangkok to Melbourne Australia? Jane ...
- Cost of 20ft container
How much would it cost to ship a 20ft container from Kenya to Malaysia? ...
- Cotton in Container
I want to sell cotton Lint to Turkey and would like to know how much is the sea transport from Dar es Salaam Port to Istanbul per container, which shipping line is ideal and how many days does it take ...
Dear Sir/Madam, Iam Mr.PRADIP JADHAV, from Navi Mumbai, India . have a query that one of our customer export their cargo (MEASE) from Jnpt ,India to Nampo , N.korea by sea. we required the best ocea ...
- Need quote
hi, we need a 20 foot container for salvador port in brazil from jnpt mumbai . ...
- US - Hong Kong - US 40 foot container
We need a quote for the round trip shipping of a 40 foot container from Oakland, CA to Hong Kong and back. Container will hold a theatrical set made from wood, metal and some electronics, not heavy a ...